about us.
As a coalition dedicated to the prevention of youth substance use, Levittown Young Organizers United to Help, or Levittown Y.O.U.T.H., creates positive change in the Levittown community by raising awareness about the risks and consequences of drug and alcohol use among youth and helping to reduce access to these substances. We are a youth-led organization, made up of students from the Levittown and Island Trees middle and high schools and overseen by Levittown Community Action Coalition.

How do we create change?
Levittown YOUTH meets the second Wednesday of every month to go over new projects and research opportunities. Our work includes:
- Delivering presentations to our peers
- Attending community events to distribute prevention resources
- Undertaking research on youth substance use and perceptions surrounding such through Youth Focus Groups
- Participating in prevention campaigns such as Sticker Shock, a project that aims to create a partnership between alcohol retailers, local businesses, parents, and community members in keeping youth safe from underage drinking. Youth visit local businesses to provide stickers and resources titled, “Alcohol and Teens Don’t Mix. Don’t Buy for Minors.”
- Utilizing local media outlets and social media channels to raise awareness about issues related to drug or alcohol use
- Attending national conferences to improve leadership skills and learn more about substance use prevention
and so much more!
Our team.

McKenzie McKenna

Jeyda Sefket
Liaison to Island Trees High School

Vidhi Patel
Vice President

Julianna Ryley
Liaison to Division Ave High School

Ava Pinto

Jessie Marousek
Liaison to MacArthur High School

Focus Groups

Members Across Levittown

Youth-led meetings

Hours Earned
Our Focus.
Working together, we can create a healthy, happy, and safe community.
Underage Drinking
Underage drinking is a serious health and safety problem in Levittown and Island Trees. Alcohol is the most widely used substance used among our peers.

Prescription Drugs/Opioids
In many cases, prescription drugs can be easily accessed in the home or from relatives. We are focused on educating our peers on the dangers of using prescription drugs and why it’s important to lock up your meds.

Vaping Nicotine and Marijuana
E-cigarette use poses a significant – and avoidable – health risk to young people. We hope to spread awareness that smoking, in any form, can have negative consequences on youth’s health and development.

Why Join Us?

Earn Volunteer Hours for making a positive difference in our community, advocating for a substance free youth!

Meet peers from across the community including from Division, Wisdom, MacArthur, Salk, and Island Trees!

Lead your peers in meetings, focus groups, and many other events!